Print Friendly Blog

Sometimes you may want to print a tutorial or a cooking recipe since many people like yourself don't have a computer next to their sewing machine.
Or in the kitchen.
So I've made most pages in this blog print friendly. Which means menus, header, footer, buttons, links, backgrounds etc
are automagically removed for you when printing. In short you'll be left with only the images and nice, clean texts!
This applies to every posts in every categories (Finished Projects, Guides and Tutorials, Misc).
On the other hand some pages, including the front page and various listing pages don't look good on prints at all.
Then again why do you want to print those pages anyway?
If you see this button on a page: Print friendly then you can be sure whatever comes out of the printer will be free of graphic junk and only have the useful information you seek!
The button itself doesn't do anything. It only bring you to this page (ha, that's why you're here!)
Instead just use your browser's print function (Ctrl+P or Command+P) and the rest will be taken care of.
Too good and too easy to be true? Open the print preview of this page and see for yourself