Nerd Shirt

Added: 2010-04-22 | Edited: 2014-09-16 Tags: menswear top shirt me

Nerd shirt

Not much to say about this shirt really. It's almost been a routine for me making shirts. I'm trying to update my wardrobe and can't exactly just go buy clothes.

The fabric is gray cotton/polyester poplin.
I printed on the symbols myself. It wasn't as dark and clear as I hoped but that's OK.

Found out afterward I should have printed the collar the other way. Now it's kinda upside-down.

For your information I don't wear glasses. These are zero strength.
I just think they match the shirt

The fabric is soft but at the same time doesn't wrinkle so easily.
Very nice shirt for writing programs with. Also suitable for fixing computers or solving other technical problems.

Shirt with USB, Bluetooth and Firewire symbols Anyone recognize the symbols?

Back to index Tags: menswear top shirt me


Kirsten2015-02-15 09:56:50
Hi Willy, How did you print the symbols? Great shirt!
Willy 2015-02-15 11:44:09
Kirsten, the print is with a technique called "dye sublimation". I wrote about it in this post: Unfortunately only in Norwegian, but it will eventually be translated to English
Kirsten2015-02-17 22:16:18
Jeg snakker norsk og. Har lest om sublimering nå. Så gøy! Har du en spesiell skriver til dette? Trykte du mønsteret på hver bit eller på metervaren? Hvor for du kjøpt utstyr til dette?
Anonym2015-02-17 22:17:45
Det skal stå " hvor får du kjøpt utstyr til dette
Willy 2015-02-17 22:45:06
Det fungerer på enkelte typer hjemmeskrivere (helst Epson). Du må ha spesielt type blekk og eget type papir. Videre bør du ha en varmepresse. Det er altså en del utstyr som skal til, pluss noe vedlikehold av skriveren. Ikke å anbefale til privat bruk. Du bør ha en viss volum (gjerne trykke ukentlig, aller helst daglig) for at det skal være verdt bryet.
Willy Sews!